Over the years, I can't believe how many times I've heard
" You cook your bacon in the oven?". Many people have never heard of this, well....... I'm here to start a bacon revolution!!!
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I know, I know... it seems easy enough to boil an egg but to boil it perfectly without a grayish-greenish ring around the yolk,
that's easy to do too, once you know the correct way to do it. Grilling fruit intensifies the natural sweetness making it even more delicious. Add lemon infused mascarpone and you have a wonderfully simple yet elegant dessert.
I used my Tre Stelle Mascarpone, you can see that story HERE Yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about! With my generous gift from Tre Stelle, I was off to get some cheese!
Did I say 'some' cheese? I meant to say 'lots' of cheese! Read my Tre Stelle story HERE. The Following is the story of the 10lb lasagna and how it came to be. (Feel free to print it out and read it to the kids at night) Allow me to give you a quick lesson on the pronunciation of the word mascarpone, MASS-CAR-POH-NEH, that easy!
As always - click on any of the photos to enlarge. Do you ever have food cravings? I mean non-hormonal, non-pregnancy cravings? I have been craving salads for the past month, that's good, right? But, I've also been craving chicken wings - ugh! Bad, right?