Who am I kidding.? It's my favourite all time Coleslaw Dressing.
It's extremely easy to make & super versatile, check out the recipe HERE
Who else struggles at certain times of the year?
Is it the season, the anticipation of warmer weather right around the corner? The time change? The food I ate for dinner? Stress & anxiety? All of the above? I don't usually have trouble falling asleep, my problem is I typically start tossing and turning around 3am, lay awake for an hour and then get out of bed. I feel great, I'm wide awake but then later in the day I am a walking zombie. This too shall pass....................... ZZZZzzzzZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZzzzzzzzz You'll love this recipe so much I guarantee you'll end up making this more than once, probably one right after the other. Get the recipe HERE
Oh my word, crunchy, sweet, garlicky delicious......
Super easy to prepare with incredible results.. See the recipe HERE Slightly sweet and crunchy on the outside with a soft apple and cinnamon inside,
this is easy to make with ingredients you probably have on hand. Get there recipe HERE. Easter in our family typically involves a large family gathering, turkey dinner with all the fixings, dessert, lively conversations and maybe some cards or a board game. This year is different in ways I could have never imagined, the world is sick and all of us as individuals can help by staying home. Yes I understand we all want to see our friends and our families but seeing them now may mean I'll never see them in the future. Therefore Easter this year was a lot different, just the hubby and I at home. I did make the turkey I had in the freezer along with whatever was in the fridge and pantry, some corn, potatoes and carrots. No buns, no special Easter treats, no floral arrangement, no cards, no unnecessary trips to the stores. I packaged up food for my parents, did a no contact porch drop off and we ate turkey dinner watching Soprano reruns on HBO. No Family, No Fun, No Fanfare.... but it was worth it to keep my family safe. xoxo Easter 2020 will certainly be one to remember.
'This recipe is easy, adaptable and I'm sure you have most of the ingredients in your pantry. This makes a large amount and freezes very well.
Get the recipe HERE. Dr. Suess was an American author, cartoonist, illustrator, filmmaker, screenwriter and poet, he was my childhood. Yesterday I came across this poem inspired by Dr. Suess and try as I might I cannot find the author, I found it inspiring for the times. Hop on Pop has always been my favourite, my dad would come home from work exhausted and we would want to play, he would lay on his back, lift us with his hands an feet and make us fly. Green Eggs and Ham as well as Cat in the Hat round off my favourite Dr. Suess books. I still have some Dr. Suess books packed away, collecting dust but holding fond memories.
xoI haven't posted in just over a year but this blog is a diary of sorts sometimes I feel the need to write, create recipes or do crafts and sometimes I don't.
Right now I feel the need...... The world is changing quickly these days and this Coronavirus is indeed scary, we as a world are venturing into the unknown. As a world, a continent, a country and community, we need more than ever to work together to survive this. The WHO (World Health Organization) is asking us to stay home, plain and simple, STAY HOME but why isn't everyone doing this, do people think they are invincible? Use the technology we love so much to do some research, be properly informed and look at the short history of this virus to see how it's taken down countries and the people living there and if it can do that, you my friend are not as invincible as you think. xo Funny Story....
I was up really early in the morning and looked out and saw a dead squirrel on the deck, my heart broke, how did he die? He wasn't there yesterday.. I kept going back looking at his little frozen body in a pile of snow, I felt sick. Finally hubby woke up and I explain with tears in my eyes the dead frozen squirrel, he gets a bag from the kitchen, ready to go outside when he looks out the window..... "THAT'S YOUR BUNNY GARDEN STATUE" me: Really????? OMG... so relieved.. are you sure? "YES, ya goof, I'm sure" me: Whew.... I need glasses. |
July 2021