I am learning so much doing this blog/website, it's never ending & I'm surprising myself everyday. Now, you tech wizards, I.T. geeks or just plain smart people may already know what a FAVICON is, me.....I had no idea but I knew I liked them, but never knew what they were called. Are you ready for me to blow your mind? Are you ready to have a new word in your vocabulary? Ready to thrill your friends? Be the life of the party? FAVICON=Favourite Icon, are you still standing? Breathing? Still with me or have you run off to impress the boss with your new word? You can thank me when you get that big raise. ![]() <----- There it is, beautiful isn't it? Does it take your breath away like it does mine? Want to be even more impressed? Look up, up to your tabs on your tool bar now see my website tab? See the dragonfly? Are you getting goosebumps like me? Hopefully I'm in your Bookmarks Bar, forever at the top, but even if I'm not, when you bookmark me (you have bookmarked me, right?) & I'm with all your other fav sites, I'll be easily recognizable with my little dragonfly. I'm so happy I now know what those little things are, favicon, favicon, favicon, I'm even more impressed with myself that I figured out how to get one. I've impressed myself, now go out to the world & impress your friends, family & co-workers..........FAVICON !
Which style kitchen do you like best? White or Wood You can click on the images below to make them larger I've added more pictures to my photography TAB. Check out my newest catagories Natures Creatures & Landscape. I've also added new photos to the Black & Whites as well as Flora & Fauna.
July 2021