A few days ago my sister posted this picture she took of a raccoon on her front porch. She lives out in the country and has a feral cat that visits daily, so she feeds him. On this day, Mr. Raccoon was taking advantage of the free food. I just thought it was strange, a raccoon out in the day.
Two days later, I was driving through a subdivision and in the middle of the afternoon there was a skunk running around on the lawns, again it seems a strange sight to see in the afternoon. That same day, I pulled in my driveway and couldn't believe my eyes, a raccoon munching away on the seeds under my bird feeders, he stayed for a few hours. Strange things to see during the day, is there something weird in the air?
I volunteer with a couple different groups in town and one of them is the North Dorchester Agricultural Society/Dorchester Fair. This year we are hosting an event called Art in the Barn, its 4 buildings full of artisians, crafters, bakers, hand made clothing a farmers market and more. One of our vendors Wendy also has a booth at the London Farmers and Artiians Market in London Ontario. She convinced me to visit this market and take a look and I;m so glad she did, only 15 minutes from my home, I can't believe I've never been before, it was fantastic. I spent 2 1/2 hours taking in the sights, sounds and wonderful smells. Come take a tour with me...
I'm a creative person so I dabble in many things and painting is just one of them. I really do love painting, I'm not very good at it but it feels good, it's relaxing and the end result always makes me smile and isn't that the point, to make you feel good?
I am a member of the Lions club and this year I volunteered to help out with the fishing derby. I took some time to take a few pictures of the beautiful area before it was flooded with families.
Beef Short Robs are delicious and this sauce...oh this sauce, I could drink it, it's just that yummy! The recipe is HERE.
July 2021