in 5 easy steps Whether your tree is 3' or 12', real, artificial, tinsel or snow covered, the guidelines are the same. Here a few tips I learned from years of retail display, important details & top secret information....shhhh 1. Hang your lights first It's important that you use minimum 100 lights per foot 7' tree= 700 lights, thats bare minmum, bare. bare,bare minimum. I have a 7.5' tree with 1200 lights & I thinks it's perfect, hubby thinks I'm crazy, hydro department loves me! Start applying your lights from the top working your way around & down, when your done you want your plug at the bottom of the tree. While stringing lights, work your way from the inside to the outside of the tree, lights deep in the tree give dimension & trwinkle. White lights make for a more traditional tree, coloured is a little more festive, I'm a coloured lights gal myself, but I do love white lights too, every year I'm torn & every year I end up going with coloured. 2. Garland-ribbon-tinsel It can be a popcorn garland, beautiful ribbon or paper rings, whatever you use, this is the next step. Again, start at the top, work your way around & down weaving slightly inside the tree, garlands, ribbons etc., shouldn't sit just on the tree tips. 3. Ornaments - step 1a) Before we start the ornaments, don't forget to hang some on the inside of your tree, again decorating the inside adds depth, sparkle, twinkle & richness. b) Hang the largest ornaments first, balancing them throughout the entire tree. c) Next, hang your favourite/special ornaments in places of prominence so that they remain highly visible. 4. Ornaments - step 2 Now fill in your tree with all the smaller decorations covering the entire tree, it is important to fill off the gaps, don't forget the inside, top & bottom. The biggest mistake most people make is over decorating the middle of the tree, the sweet spot that everyone can reach, have a step stool handy to make reaching the top a breeze & either have a little one (who is eager to help decorate) do the bottom or rest your tush & do the bottom yourself. 5. Grand Finale The final touch, the piece de resistance (best feature). the perfect finish... the tree topper. Whether you use a star, an angel, bow or finial, your perfect tree needs the perfect topper and this always goes on at the end but PLEASE make sure it sits straight, nothing worse than a crooked star or a bending angel. Important Tips
Happy Decorating !How many days 'til Chrismas?
July 2021